Art Generation using Neural Style Transfer


Using Artificial Intelligence to turn images into synthetic artworks automatically is a glimpse at the future of synthetic media. Neural Networks are being used to make a simple image into artwork with its particular aesthetic features, defined by swirling shapes and incoherent objects.

A CNN based technique, known as Neural style transfer, is an optimization technique used to take two images—a content image and a style reference image (such as an artwork by a famous painter)—and blend them together so the output image looks like the content image, but “painted” in the style of the style reference image.

It models the content of a photo as the feature responses from a pre-trained CNN, and further models the style of an artwork as the summary feature statistics. CNN is capable of extracting content information from an arbitrary photograph and style information from a well-known artwork.


The main aim of NST is for the content in "generated" image G to match the content of "content" image C. For this, I have calculated the content cost function, which is defined as:

Content Cost

  • Here, nH, nW and nC are the height, width and number of channels of the hidden layer, and appear in a normalization term in the cost.
  • a(C) and a(G) are the 3D volumes corresponding to a hidden layer’s activations.

and the style cost function, which is defined as:

Style Cost

  • G(S)gram: Gram matrix of the “style” image.
  • G(G)gram: Gram matrix of the “generated” image.

I optimized the total cost function (linear combination of the above two cost functions) to get pixel values of the image and merged the “content” image (C) and a “style” image (S), to create a “generated” image (G). This generated image is the final output artistic image. I then used pre-trained VGG-19 network to recognize a variety of low level features (at the shallower layers) and high level features (at the deeper layers).

Technical Details

  • Used VGG 19 for feature extraction.
  • Used Adam optimizer to minimize the total cost J.
  • Learning rate of 0.03.
  • Model training requires about 3min on a GPU for 2500 iterations.
  • alpha = 10 and beta = 40. alpha and beta are the hyperparameters that control the relative weighting between content and style.

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